Gmail for New Students
- Create a Gmail account here.
- Naming convention for email addresses: first name + last name + school initials
- i.e.
- Use the same password for the entire classroom
- Password naming convention - oneonta + rm + room #
- For room 7, the password would be oneontarm7
- Password naming convention - oneonta + rm + room #
- DO NOT associate a phone number or a recovery email with this account.
- If Google forces you to add a phone number, please use the main teacher's phone number temporarily.
- On the next screen, you can remove the phone number attached to the account prior to completing the registration.
- Birthday: Google's age limit for gmail account users is 13 so for the birth year, please use 2000.
- NOTE: Please remind parents NOT to change password and NOT to associate their phone number/email address to their child's email address.
Gmail for Returning Students
- It would be easiest to recover the email that the students used last year.
- Try to use first name + last name + oms
- Password used last year was tied to the classroom number.
- Please change password so that every student in your classroom is using the same password.
- NOTE: Please remind parents NOT to change password and NOT to associate their phone number/email address to their child's email address.
Wordpress for New Students
- Make sure you are logged into the student's gmail.
- Decide on your student's site address.
- Use this naming convention for your site address: first name + last name + oms
- i.e.
- Use this naming convention for your site address: first name + last name + oms
- In a web browser, type the address of your student's site address.
- Click "Do you want to register"
- Click "Start with Free" plan option.
- Create your account.
- Scroll down to the bottom and select "Continue with Google"
- Choose your student's email address.
- Click "Continue"
Wordpress for Returning Students
- Click "Sign In" in the top right corner.
- Make sure you are logged into the student's gmail.
- Select "Continue with Google"
- Choose your student's email address
- Click "Continue"
Khan Academy for New Students
- Make sure you are logged into the student's gmail.
- Go to
- Click "Sign up" in the top right corner.
- Select "Learner" option.
- Due to the fact that students under 13 need a parent email, choose the birth year of 2000 when entering the Date of Birth.
- Click "Continue with Google"
- When the pop-up from Google appears, click "Allow"
- Choose the appropriate Grade Level.
- For Courses, choose "Computer programming"
Khan Academy for Returning Students
- Make sure you are logged into the student's gmail.
- Go to
- Click "Login" in the top right corner.
- Click "Continue with Google"
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